Science Department
Science Department
To nurture creative, innovative and independent learners for the new economy.
An inquiring Crescentian and an innovative Department.
By the end of Secondary 4, a Crescentian should be able to:
a. acquire sufficient understanding and knowledge to become confident citizens in a technological world;
b. develop an informed interest in matters of scientific importance;
c. recognise the usefulness and limitations of scientific methods and models and to appreciate their applicability in everyday life;
d. possess abilities and skills that
- are relevant to the study and practice of science,
- are useful in everyday life,
- encourage efficient and safe practice, and
- encourage effective communication;
e. possess attitudes relevant to science such as accuracy and precision, objectivity, integrity, inquiry, initiative and inventiveness.
Special Programmes
Sec 1 Integrated Curriculum
Sec 1 Integrated Curriculum is the first part of the Integrated Curriculum@Crescent. Students are stretched through a carefully designed curriculum that integrates a few subjects at each level from Secondary One to Three.
Secondary One students experience the Integrated Curriculum Programme through the lenses of Geography and Science, where the two subjects explore the common theme of water scarcity. Through Geography, students pick up knowledge about global water crisis, water management strategies, and the skills of geographical investigation focusing on the human impact on water qualities and water quality testing. They extend their learning by exploring the various separation techniques in Science to devise methods in obtaining clean water in both laboratory and home-based settings, by understanding the factors that would influence the choices of separation techniques. The coursework and hands-on activities provide the students with enriching inter-disciplinary learning experiences about sustainability of our precious resources.
ICT-enabled Inquiry Based Learning
Our science teachers are guided by Leahy’s AFL framework and e-pedagogy to design Science learning experiences and learning activities that enable Crescentians to acquire and develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions as future-ready learners. A wide variety of learning experiences are designed to promote acquisition of expertise and understanding, with emphasis on the understanding and application of concepts and principles. Knowledge Construction in a Science classroom is anchored by the active learning processes with Technology – Activating Learning, Promoting Thinking and Discussion, Facilitating Demonstration of Learning and Monitoring and Providing Feedback. “
Mixed reality in Science
Students immerse themselves in exciting gamified mixed reality (MR) lessons to understand and visualize abstract Science concepts better. Through such lessons, students get to collaborate and be involved in real-world problem solving, and this increases students’ engagement level.
In Biology, students explore a virtual nuclear site to collect and analyze samples. A nuclear site is not something that a student can just walk into and experience, hence by harnessing on the MR technology, teachers bring such valuable learning experience into the classroom in a safe environment for students to explore.
In the Physics task, students are to solve a crisis management scenario for an imminent earthquake/tsunami natural disaster. The use of mixed reality help students to visualize the waves when used in conjunction with different data-collecting instruments.
Such authentic tasks help students to map and better relate different concepts in the chapter and see the real-world application of the concepts learnt.
Science Mentorship Program
To develop interest and talents in the areas of Science amongst our students, a group of them participated in the Science Mentorship Program jointly organised by the Ministry of Education’s Gifted Education Branch and partners from tertiary institutions and research agencies. Under the guidance of their mentors, students work on their research projects, which they subsequently showcase to an audience of peers, teachers and scientists in the Youth Science Conference.
Science Research Program
Under the Science Research Programme, a group of enthusiastic students with a keen interest in Science embarked on their journey as young reviewers under the guidance of Dr Kerri McCrickerd.
Quote from our 2021 batch of young reviewers: “Under this programme, we grew to be fascinated by the process of reviewing articles. We also had the opportunity to enhance our critical thinking and widen our perspectives by sharing our views with a scientist. We had a fruitful journey as this reviewing process has enabled us to explore something out of our curriculum.”
You may view their reviewed article for a scientific journal at Frontiers For Young Minds at this link.
Learning Journey to i-Fly
To further enrich students’ learning experience, students also went on learning journeys. With the relaxing of Safe Management Measures, 40 Upper Secondary Physics students embarked on a Learning Journey to iFly Singapore, Singapore’s only indoor skydiving facility. With the help of professional indoor skydiving instructors, the students were able to experience flying in mid-air in the high-velocity vertical wind tunnel. This Learning Journey sparked the joy of learning in the students and they had the chance to experience what they have learnt in the Physics classroom about kinematics, forces and air resistance in action!
2023 Achievements
International Competition and Assessments for Schools
2 High Distinctions, 21 Distinctions, 45 Credits, 20 Merits
STEM Playground 2023
1st Runner-up for Participation rate for “Challenge #1: CanBridge Hold’em”
Champion for highest participation rate for “Challenge #2: SEA-RIOUS” CHALLENGER”
1 Silver, 1 Meril
Singapore Junior Chemistry Olympiad 2023
1 Silver, 1 Merit
2023 Singapore Junior Physics Olympiad
Individual: 2 Silvers, 1 Bronze, 4 Honourable Mentions
Teams: 1 Bronze
Singapore Junior Biology Olympiad 2023
3Gold, 1 Bronze, 1 Honourable Mention
44th International C B Paul Science Quiz
Individual: 2 Silver, 1 Bronze, 4 Honourable Mentions
Teams: 1 Bronze
24th International Elementz Fair
1 Bronze
A* Star Science Award (Upper Secondary)
3 awardees
27th Chem-Dot-Comm Challenge
15th National Crystal Growing Challenge
Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors Awards
4 participated teams
Science Mentorship Program
1 participated teams