Dedication Ceremony @ CGS
Dedication Ceremony @ CGS
The inaugural Dedication Ceremony held on the 12th of January 2021 marked the beginning of a new year with the “new norm” for Crescent. Despite being distant from one another, we were blessed with technology that enabled us to stay virtually connected to commemorate this special day. The livestreamed event started with an address from the Head of the family, our principal, Mrs Chong formerly introducing all the CGS staff to the school. In the auditorium some of the staff were seated, while form-teachers were in their classes. The exhilarating cheers from Crescentians in class after the school staff were introduced was still audible by all in the auditorium. As I stood in front of the rostrum to recite the Pupils’ Creed, I could feel the pride and dedication of Crescentians as each of us pledged to live by the school motto to be Courteous, Generous and Sincere. Let us all strive to make 2021 a greater one. Onward with zeal and zest, forward we of CGS!
Reported by: Preesha Magandharan (4C2): In the Auditorium
Watching the dedication ceremony through the projector screen in class felt strange and surreal. No hall, no whole-school screams, no pinning of the badges onto the secondary ones. However, the Crescentian spirit remained ignited in us, as we felt waves of emotions sweep over us throughout the ceremony: dizzying excitement as we heard our teachers being presented to the school; solemnity as we recited the student’s creed, pledging to make Crescent proud; inspiration from
Mrs Chong’s speech to give our all. For the secondary ones, this marked the beginning of their Crescent journey. For the secondary fours, their journey would be drawing to a close. Regardless, all promised that we would keep Crescent’s flag soaring high, whatever comes our way.
Reported by Wong En-Si (4S1): In the classroom